Use Higher Voltage and Blanketing Frequencies To Drastically Improve Your Patient Outcome Have you ever wondered how ancient practices like electro acupuncture fits into the modern world of medicine? The secret may lie in the very building blocks of life: our cells....
Electro acupuncture is a type of acupuncture that uses small amounts of gentle and safe electricity added to the needles. This therapy has a long history of use in China and other parts of Asia for a variety of conditions. In recent years, it has been gaining...
There are a number of acupuncture points that can be used to promote sleep. My favorite and what I consider to be the best acupuncture point for sleep and to elicit a deep parasympathetic healing response is Du2. This point which is located near the tailbone, and also...
In this short video, I demonstrate on a real patient my 2 best acupuncture points for pain. As acupuncturists, we have the power to help patients achieve relief quickly and effectively. In particular, electro-acupuncture is an especially useful tool for relieving...
Do you want to know the highly effective electro-acupuncture protocols for back pain? Over 80% of the worlds population will suffer from back pain at some time in their life. It is the number one reason patients seek us out for care. Lets discuss the most highly...