The Best Acupuncture Point To Restore Loss Of Smell
Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner reveals the Best Acupuncture Point To Restore Loss Of Smell. In this short video, you will learn about the best acupuncture point to restore a patient’s sense of smell. Knowing this treatment is critical to treat patients that have lost their sense of smell due to a viral...
The Ultimate Acupoint For Treating Pain
The Ultimate Acupoint for Treating Pain What is the best acupoint to treat pain? There are many possible choices when selecting acupuncture points to reduce or eliminate pain. My personal favorite acupoint for pain is Li4 also known as Thalamus point. From this acupoint we can stimulate the body...
New Auricular Spinal Bracketing For Fast Pain Relief
New Auricular Spinal Bracketing For Fast Pain Relief How can we best use this new auricular spinal bracketing technique for fast pain relief? The human body is incredible, it functions like a high Q circuit. What is a high Q circuit? By blanketing the human body in a wide variety of...
Learn Ear Spinal Bracketing Anatomy To Eliminate Pain & Inflammation
Learn Ear Spinal Bracketing Anatomy To Eliminate Pain & Inflammation Did you know that all of the acupoints, channels, tissues, and organs exist on the ear? The answer is YES! Everything in the body also exists in the ear. To be able to implement and deliver optimal patient results using the...
Turn Non-responding Acupuncture Patients into Responders | Eliminate Pain
Turn Non-responding Acupuncture Patients into Responders | Eliminate Pain Why some patients don’t seem to respond to electro-acupuncture? Non-responding patients tend to be deficient in certain nutrients and amino acids… Dr. Bruce Pomeranz, the father of electro-acupuncture analgesia, found that...
Understand Electric Current to Improve your Electro-Acupuncture Treatments
Understand Electric Current to Improve your Electro-Acupuncture Treatments Since my machine uses a battery, isn’t my machine putting out Direct Current (DC)? There is circuitry inside a standard electro-acupuncture machine that takes the battery’s direct current and changes it into Alternating...
The Electron Spiral Pathway and What Happens during an Electro-Acupuncture Treatment
The Electron Spiral Pathway and What Happens During an Electro-Acupuncture Treatment Understanding the spiralized pathway of electrons aids our treatments. For example, it helps us know how we can unblock a channel or tonify it. What happens to the electricity when we insert it into a...
The Science of Grounding and Using Free Electrons To Relieve Pain and Inflammation
The Science of Grounding and Using Free Electrons To Relieve Pain and Inflammation Want to use the science of grounding to aid your treatments so that you can eliminate your patient’s pain and inflammation? It’s super simple, easy, and fast to add to your treatments. Electrically connecting to the...
Big Picture Protocols To Influence The Master Gland Rapidly Restoring Health
Big Picture Protocols To Influence The Master Gland Rapidly Restoring Health What is the best way to optimize the Thyroid? By providing benevolent qi through our Acupuncture treatments, as well as providing plenty of gu qi, or nutrition for thyroid to function properly. In this short video, I...
Use EAM To Improve Health; Most Common Questions Answered
Use EAM To Improve Health; Most Common Questions Answered Can we really improve our patient’s health by influencing the thyroid gland? Yes, I believe we can definitely improve our patient’s health by influencing the thyroid gland. From my personal experience of over 10 years, I have seen a direct...
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