The Best Electro-Acupuncture Protocol To Quit Smoking Introduction In the ever-evolving field of medicine, an innovative protocol is creating a buzz in smoking cessation: Electro Acupuncture. Based on the principles of cellular regeneration, terrain restoration,...
The Ultimate Electro-Acupuncture Device In the rapidly evolving realm of traditional medicine, the amalgamation of cutting-edge technology has paved the way for revolutionary treatment options. This article highlights one such groundbreaking innovation,...
Treating Disease through Dental Electro-Acupuncture Introduction The intriguing world of electric medicine is constantly evolving. One of the most exciting developments of recent times is the discovery of the intimate relationship between dental health and overall...
Electro-Acupuncture For Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Health (with Demonstration) As an acupuncturist looking to expand your expertise in treating heart disease, electro-acupuncture offers an innovative and practical approach. This technique combines traditional...
My colleagues often say, “Dr. Jeremy, what is the best electro-acupuncture strategy for shoulder pain and dysfunction?”. A lot of patients come to see us with shoulder pain caused by various things like frozen shoulder or biceps tendonitis, etc. With the...