An effective acupuncture point for anxiety should be well known to all acupuncturists. Anxiety is a common condition that affects millions of people around the world. We have seen an incredible uptick in the number of patients that are afflicted with way too much...
The best electro acupuncture points for relaxation? Look no further, it's the Kidney 6. Also known as the “valium analog point,” kidney 6 is renowned for its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress. In addition, electro-acupuncture at this point...
10 Years of Pain Gone With One Needle In this demonstration video, the patient has had neck, head, and jaw pain for more than 10 years. Using one of my dental acupuncture channel ear points, I was able to get the pain to disappear! Although it's been more than 6...
Getting Rid Of Pathogens In The Lymph System Using Electro Magnetism Most people have latent pathogens such as Ebstein Barr or other viruses trapped inside their lymph nodes. In some of my previous videos, I demonstrate how to rid the blood of pathogens, but the lymph...
Use Electro Acupuncture To Electrify The Blood; A Treatment Demonstration Watch me perform the blood electrification treatment on a real patient so you can duplicate my treatment and drastically improve your patients' health. In my previous videos, I spoke about the...