Use Electro Acupuncture To Electrify The Blood; A Treatment Demonstration Watch me perform the blood electrification treatment on a real patient so you can duplicate my treatment and drastically improve your patients' health. In my previous videos, I spoke about the...
Using Electro Acupuncture To Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk And Improve Health Did you know, as electro-acupuncturists, we can use qi from our machines to drastically improve the quality of the blood? The Blood Electrification Treatment (BET) is a staple and a...
Elicit a major anti-inflammatory response with electro-acupuncture Do you want to know how to elicit a major anti-inflammatory response with electro-acupuncture? We now know from clinical research performed at Rutger’s University in NJ, that we can use...
Eliminate Allergies Via The Use Of Electro-Acupuncture Millions of people are afflicted by allergies. These can be caused by foods, the environment, hidden chemicals in our foods and supplements, and even clothing, jewelry, etc. Can a piece of food that I ate 5 days...
Use Electro-Acupuncture To Stop The Damage Caused By Scars Oftentimes, scars do not heal properly. The body can get trapped in a never-ending cycle of trying to heal the scar by sending resources such as neurotransmitters and healing cytokines. However, it never heals...