Increase Energy Using the Caffeine Receptor Acupuncture Point St36 Is there an acupuncture point that can provide a boost of energy? Different acupoints can be related to different types of receptors and neurotransmitters. Right side St36 is related to caffeine...
Big Picture Protocols To Influence The Master Gland Rapidly Restoring Health What is the best way to optimize the Thyroid? By providing benevolent qi through our Acupuncture treatments, as well as providing plenty of gu qi, or nutrition for thyroid to function...
Use EAM To Improve Health; Most Common Questions Answered Can we really improve our patient’s health by influencing the thyroid gland? Yes, I believe we can definitely improve our patient’s health by influencing the thyroid gland. From my personal experience of over...
Use Electro Acupuncture To Electrify The Blood; A Treatment Demonstration Watch me perform the blood electrification treatment on a real patient so you can duplicate my treatment and drastically improve your patients' health. In my previous videos, I spoke about the...
Using Electro Acupuncture To Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk And Improve Health Did you know, as electro-acupuncturists, we can use qi from our machines to drastically improve the quality of the blood? The Blood Electrification Treatment (BET) is a staple and a...