Hiring Tips for Acupuncturists: The Key To A Successful Cash-Based Practice
Today, I’ll be sharing crucial hiring tips that can fast track the success of your practice. So… if you want to learn how to build a cash based practice that does 20, 30, or even $50k per month, take your time back and your freedom, and have a busy practice that you look forward to going...

Power Protocols for the Thyroid
ElectroAcupuncture Power Protocols For The Thyroid Be sure to check out this short video from one of my recent workshops, where I dive into the ElectroAcupuncture Power Protocols for the Thyroid. You’ll learn essential techniques to stimulate thyroid function, balance the autonomic nervous...

Communication Tips for Acupuncturists: How To Convey Confidence
Communication Tips for Acupuncturists: How To Convey Confidence Do Acupuncturists really need any special communication tips? Short answer? Absolutely. Long answer? Think of it this way… You walk into a car dealership and ask how reliable the car you're thinking...

Key Points To Understanding Electro Physiology Of The Thyroid For Acupuncturists
Thyroid Power - Key Insights for Acupuncturists Why the Thyroid Gland Matters in Acupuncture and Holistic Health Be sure to check out this short video from one of my recent workshops, where I break down the essential role of the thyroid in regulating body temperature and voltage. You’ll discover...

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Immune System with Electricity!
Unlocking the Secrets of Your Immune System with Electricity! Be sure to watch this short video clip from one of my recent workshops, where I explain how Blood Electrification Treatment (BET) works to boost immune function and support cardiovascular health. You’ll also learn key techniques for...

The Power of Digital Marketing in Your Acupuncture Practice
The Power of Digital Marketing in Your Acupuncture Practice Let’s talk “Digital Marketing”... especially how it applies to us as Acupuncturists. First off, I need to say this and I want you to let it sink in… Digital Marketing is the most important piece of your marketing strategy. It takes...

Electro Acupuncture Mastery- Don't Treat Another Patient Face Down!
Electro Acupuncture Mastery - Don't Treat Another Patient Face Down! Want to improve your patient results simply by changing the position you treat them in? Watch this short video clip from one of my recently recorded events to gain insight, and apply it to your patient's for improved...

Key Notes on Transforming the Peripheral Nervous System into a Healing Gland with Electricity
Transform the Peripheral Nervous System into a Healing Gland with Electricity Did you know the peripheral nervous system can be triggered to function as a gland, secreting healing neurotransmitters? Watch this short video clip from one of my recently recorded events to gain insight,...

Balance Autonomic Nervous System Function Through Effective Needle Placement, Bracketing, and Frequency Selection
Balance Autonomic Nervous System Function Through Effective Needle Placement, Bracketing, and Frequency Selection Want to know an excellent and easy way to balance the autonomic nervous system? Watch this short video clip from one of my recently recorded events to see Small Intestine 16 and Triple...

Safe and Effective Needle Placement Techniques for Spinal Points
Safe and Effective Needle Placement Techniques for Spinal Points Needling spinal points can be nerve-racking, and it's important to needle the spine safely. Be sure to watch this short video clip taken from one of my recently recorded events to see how to palpate the vertebrae, and also how to...
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