Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner reveals the Best Acupuncture Point To Restore Loss Of Smell. In this short video, you will learn about the best acupuncture point to restore a patient’s sense of smell. Knowing this treatment is critical to treat patients that have lost their...
New Auricular Spinal Bracketing For Fast Pain Relief How can we best use this new auricular spinal bracketing technique for fast pain relief? The human body is incredible, it functions like a high Q circuit. What is a high Q circuit? By blanketing the human...
Learn Ear Spinal Bracketing Anatomy To Eliminate Pain & Inflammation Did you know that all of the acupoints, channels, tissues, and organs exist on the ear? The answer is YES! Everything in the body also exists in the ear. To be able to implement and deliver optimal...
Use Electro Acupuncture To Electrify The Blood; A Treatment Demonstration Watch me perform the blood electrification treatment on a real patient so you can duplicate my treatment and drastically improve your patients' health. In my previous videos, I spoke about the...