There are a number of acupuncture points that can be used to promote sleep. My favorite and what I consider to be the best acupuncture point for sleep and to elicit a deep parasympathetic healing response is Du2. This point which is located near the tailbone, and also...
In this short video, I demonstrate on a real patient my 2 best acupuncture points for pain. As acupuncturists, we have the power to help patients achieve relief quickly and effectively. In particular, electro-acupuncture is an especially useful tool for relieving...
Do you want to know the highly effective electro-acupuncture protocols for back pain? Over 80% of the worlds population will suffer from back pain at some time in their life. It is the number one reason patients seek us out for care. Lets discuss the most highly...
An effective acupuncture point for anxiety should be well known to all acupuncturists. Anxiety is a common condition that affects millions of people around the world. We have seen an incredible uptick in the number of patients that are afflicted with way too much...
Increase Energy Using the Caffeine Receptor Acupuncture Point St36 Is there an acupuncture point that can provide a boost of energy? Different acupoints can be related to different types of receptors and neurotransmitters. Right side St36 is related to caffeine...