
Unlocking the Secrets of Your Immune System with Electricity!

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Immune System with Electricity!

Be sure to watch this short video clip from one of my recent workshops, where I explain how Blood Electrification Treatment (BET) works to boost immune function and support cardiovascular health. You’ll also learn key techniques for enhancing your body’s natural electric charge and how to safely begin BET sessions at home.


Remember to download our free guide, “FREE RESOURCE- How To Perform The Blood Electrification Treatment (BET) To Improve Immune System Function,” for step-by-step instructions and additional tips.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of electricity and your immune system!

Introduction: How Electricity Powers Your Immune System

Did you know that electricity is essential for your immune system to function effectively? The human body thrives on electricity. From cell signaling to immune function, maintaining the right electric charge is crucial for optimal health. In this blog post, we will explore how white blood cells destroy pathogens, the importance of maintaining a healthy electric charge in your body, and how this impacts your immune system, cardiovascular health, and overall well-being. Discover how you can harness electricity through advanced treatments like Blood Electrification Treatment (BET) for better immune function, reduced inflammation, and enhanced cellular regeneration.

How White Blood Cells Use Electricity to Destroy Pathogens

White blood cells are your body’s natural defense against harmful pathogens. These immune 

cells release inflammatory molecules that damage a pathogen’s outer shell, effectively killing it. But what happens next is critical—these inflammatory molecules, if left unchecked, can cause damage to healthy cells. This is where the body’s electric charge comes into play. A sufficient negative charge acts like an antioxidant, neutralizing the inflammation and protecting healthy tissue. Without proper electric support, your immune system may struggle to contain the damage caused by these pathogens and inflammatory molecules.

The Importance of Negative Charge in Immune Function

Electricity, specifically a negative charge, is crucial for balancing your immune system. The body uses negative charge to counteract the positive charge released by white blood cells when they attack pathogens. Without enough negative charge, inflammatory molecules can wreak havoc on your blood vessels, red blood cells, and even healthy tissues. This can lead to chronic inflammation, musculoskeletal problems, cardiovascular issues, and a weakened immune response. Boosting your body’s electric charge can help neutralize these molecules, reducing damage and promoting faster recovery.

The role of negative charge goes beyond immune defense—it is also crucial in protecting your cardiovascular system. When inflammatory molecules are left unchecked, they can cause oxidative stress and damage blood vessels, contributing to heart disease. Ensuring that your body has a sufficient negative charge not only supports the immune system but also keeps your heart and blood vessels in better condition.

What Are Immune System Leaks?

When your immune system lacks proper electrical charge, it creates what we call “immune system leaks.” In German auricular medicine, these are referred to as “foci,” but we call them “leaks.” These leaks occur when inflammatory molecules from a pathogen begin to damage surrounding healthy tissues due to a lack of buffering negative charge. Over time, these leaks contribute to chronic inflammation and degenerative diseases. Immune system leaks can be a major contributor to autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular problems, and musculoskeletal pain.

Ensuring that your body has enough negative charge is key to plugging these leaks and maintaining a healthy immune system. By restoring the body’s natural electric balance, you can protect your tissues from unnecessary damage and improve your body’s overall resilience against illness.

Boosting Your Health with Red Blood Cells and Electric Medicine

Did you know that red blood cells can act as tiny capacitors, storing and distributing electric charge throughout your body? This stored negative charge helps neutralize inflammation and supports your body’s natural healing process. Every drop of blood in your body can carry this essential charge, delivering healing electrical support to tissues in need. Red blood cells help maintain the balance between inflammation and regeneration, ensuring that the immune system functions optimally.

In treatments like electroacupuncture and Blood Electrification Treatment (BET), we can use these red blood cells to target areas in need, restoring the body’s natural balance and helping you stay healthy. By enhancing the negative charge on red blood cells, these treatments ensure that your blood continues to circulate as a powerful healing force, protecting you from inflammatory damage and promoting tissue regeneration.

Blood Electrification Treatment (BET): A Revolutionary Immune and Cardiovascular Therapy

Blood Electrification Treatment (BET) is one of the most significant therapies used to boost immune function and support cardiovascular health. This advanced treatment involves applying low-frequency electrical currents to the blood, stimulating the immune system and enhancing the body’s ability to fight pathogens. BET can have far-reaching benefits for both the cardiovascular system and the immune system, making it a valuable tool in the treatment of chronic diseases and immune dysfunctions.

How Does BET Work?

BET works by applying electrical pulses, typically at 4 Hz, to the blood. These pulses stimulate the red blood cells to carry more negative charge, allowing them to neutralize toxins and inflammatory molecules more effectively. The increased negative charge in the blood also helps repair damage to blood vessels and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

BET can also be used between clinical treatments, providing patients with a highly effective method for maintaining their immune health. For patients with moderate to severe health conditions, at-home BET sessions can be an essential complement to in-clinic treatments, allowing them to recover more quickly and detoxify their systems in a controlled manner.

How Electroacupuncture Supports the Immune System

Electroacupuncture is a powerful tool that helps regulate your immune system by increasing the negative charge in your body. By using low-frequency electrical currents, such as 4 Hz, we can stimulate the immune system and help it process toxins more effectively. For more severe conditions, home treatments between clinic sessions can provide additional benefits. Electroacupuncture can enhance the effectiveness of treatments like BET by targeting specific areas where negative charge is most needed, ensuring comprehensive support for your immune and cardiovascular systems.

Detoxifying with Electricity: A Vital Process for Immune Health

Detoxification is a critical part of maintaining a healthy immune system. After white blood cells kill a pathogen, toxins are released into the bloodstream. If your immune system is not functioning at full capacity, these toxins can accumulate and cause further damage. Blood electrification treatments like BET are designed to help your body process these toxins and detoxify efficiently, without overwhelming your system.

Regular detoxification is essential for preventing immune system leaks and keeping your cardiovascular system functioning optimally. By removing excess toxins and inflammatory molecules, you ensure that your body’s immune system can focus on healing and regeneration, rather than fighting off chronic inflammation.

Dealing with New Toxins: The Challenge of Hydrogel

Since 2020, we’ve encountered new toxins like hydrogel—a synthetic material that is difficult for the body to break down. Hydrogel, often used in medical devices and certain pharmaceuticals, can linger in the body and contribute to inflammation and immune system dysfunction. I recommend using nattokinase, a natural enzyme, to help your body eliminate these toxins. Natokinase has been shown to assist in breaking down fibrin, a protein involved in blood clotting, and hydrogel-like substances.

Taking 2,000 FUs (fibrinolytic units) of natokinase three times per day can assist in breaking down fibrin and improving your detox process, boosting your immune function and overall health. When combined with BET, natokinase can enhance the body’s ability to clear harmful substances and prevent immune system overload.

How to Safely Begin Blood Electric Treatments

If you’re starting Blood Electrification Treatments (BET), it’s important to take it slow. Start with a 15-minute session to allow your body to adjust, especially if your immune system has been overloaded. Gradually work up to 2 hours per day over time, ensuring that your body can handle the detox process without causing discomfort or additional symptoms.

Once your body has acclimated to these sessions, BET can provide long-term benefits, helping you maintain a strong immune system, a healthy cardiovascular system, and a well-functioning detox process.

Conclusion: How Electricity Can Revolutionize Your Immune and Cardiovascular Health

Electricity is not just about power grids and light bulbs—it’s vital for your body’s immune system to function properly. From pathogen destruction to detoxification, maintaining a proper electric charge is essential for staying healthy. Whether through red blood cells or advanced treatments like Blood Electrification Treatment (BET) and electroacupuncture, harnessing electricity can help you fight off illness, reduce inflammation, support cardiovascular health, and promote cellular regeneration.

For more information on how to support your immune system with electricity, visit our website and explore our free resources on electroacupuncture, BET, and holistic health!

Remember to download our guide, “FREE RESOURCE-  How To Perform The Blood Electrification Treatment (BET) To Improve Immune System Function”  and We invite you to visit our website at www.electroacupunctureinstitute.com for a deeper understanding of these concepts and access to additional valuable resources.

Peace and Bliss,

Jeremy Steiner, PhD. MD, DAOM

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